Prezentacje z konferencji podsumowującej projekt

pdfInformation on the project "Strengthening of atmospheric deposition assessment in Poland based on Norwegian experience" 988.01 KB

pdfConcept of revision and optimisation of deposition measurements in Poland Activity11.89 MB

pdfDeveloping the concept of launching the quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) system for deposition measurements Activity 21004.61 KB

pdfDeveloping the guidance document on assessment of atmospheric deposition, including a proposal of the most suitable deposition modelling technique Activity 31.03 MB

pdfVisualization and sharing atmospheric deposition data via the GIOS "Air Quality" portal Activity 45.43 MB

pdfProcurement of deposition measurement instruments Activity 52.4 MB

pdfSummary of the project871.46 KB

pdfNILU Presentations3.03 MB

pdfEnvironment, Energy and Climate Change Programme - Challenges, Experiences, Results1.48 MB

  Report "Hierarchical Clustering and Dissimilarity Polygon Analyses – Optimizing the Polish Deposition Network"

pdfNILU_report_27_2023_Hierarchical_Clustering_FINAL.pdf8.7 MB

 Report "Review of methods that can be used in the assessment of atmospheric deposition"

pdfReview of methods that can be used in the assessment of atmospheric deposition3.42 MB

Publication on the project by the Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection on the portal of the EEA

Monitoring and assessing atmospheric deposition: the low-down on how to clean up

Report on The Norwegian monitoring programme

pdfMonitoring atmospheric composition and deposition in Norway2.31 MB

Presentations from the conference inaugurating the project

pdfENVIRONMENT, ENERGY AND CLIMATE CHANGE PROGRAMME INAUGURATION OF THE PREDEFINE PROJECT Strengthening of atmospheric depositionassessment in Poland based on Norwegian experience1.55 MB
pdfNorwegian experience on deposition monitoring and assessment in Norway and Europe2.69 MB
pdfNILU’s research on atmospheric composition and climate change mitigation2.18 MB
pdfWzmocnienie oceny depozycji atmosferycznej w Polsce w oparciu o doświadczenia norweskie709.81 KB
pdfSkąd pomysł na realizację projektu pn. „Wzmocnienie oceny depozycji atmosferycznej w Polsce w oparciu o doświadczenia norweskie”2.43 MB
pdfRola Narodowego Funduszu Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej w pozyskiwaniu środków Mechanizmu Finansowego Europejskiego Obszaru Gospodarczego 2014-20211.45 MB
pdfDoświadczenia Głównego Inspektoratu Ochrony Środowiska w realizacji projektów realizowanych ze środków Mechanizmu Finansowego Europejskiego Obszaru Gospodarczego 2009-20143.39 MB

Other predefined projects in the "Environment, Energy and Climate Change"

Services provided by main types of ecosystems in Poland – an applied approach
Capacity building of key stakeholders in the area of geothermal energy